Sunday, December 30, 2007
Scanner down
Well, time to really unpack once I get really get back home in a week!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I nice way to say bugger off and study.
20 more days and then I get to go off for 24 weeks of clinical rotations (internships). Basically after that test I'll really get to be alive again.
That is to say I have chosen to do this and it is my choice that I experience school in this manner.
No, that is not quite correct.
How about: I'm having an existential moment. That is, I realize that I have chosen to do this and my suffering is essentially my own fault. As everything I do IS my choice and my choice alone I have no place to complain about my current situation.
Part of that is true. It WAS my choice to be here. However, it was not my choice to be given this much busy work prior to the biggest test of my life. I am learning little from this busy work mainly because my focus is more on the monstrosity looming over yon hill rather than it's little minions gathered about its feet.
Either way it will be over in 20 days. I can only imagine this is what it is like to wait for an execution that you really want to happen.
I quiver in anticipation.

Remember Invader Zim? The original picture is from the introduction of the show. It is something of a schematic of GIR. I was merely playing with photoshop to make this. As an afterthought I added GIR in the dog suit in the bottom right.

My roommate puts this the best: "Galactic Civilizations 2 is the devil. Screw you for letting me play it you bastard!" Poor guy was up until 5 AM one night playing. Galactic Civ is fun for me because you can make your own custom races, their powers, how they act, etc. etc. So my race was called the Pseudocians. This was fun putting together: the pirate guy in the foreground is actually a screenshot of a 'City of Heroes' character (seriously the best character creator even- you can make practically anything), the midground is actually some random picture which was once a shadowy figure (still there) looking through some windows into space, the background was made- poorly by erasing everything in the windows and then replacing it with an image from Eve Online.
Throw it all together and you have the Pseudocian's picture. Ah photoshop is awesome fun.

What'll it make? I had the idea of taking the dwarf and adding elements of Jake from 'Advance Wars: Dual Strike.' The dwarf will have the same grumpy expression, but his left hand will be holding the head phones to one ear and his right hand will be on a turn table.
Now I plan to draw this out and actually did- it turned out amusing enough but I'm going to work on it some more. I thought of naming him MC Slayer (or something to that effect, but not Hammer) and using him as an avatar for the libram warhammer forums. Yes, I am that sort of nerd.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Calender what?
Masked Character - I like the bandana + hoodie look. I'll have to ink this and maybe develop the character to improve my consistence... amoung other things.

The more meatier-chinned fellow was something I saw from Balack01's Deviant Art site. He made a little film with this guy hitting on some lady in a bar using some audio from 'Dumb and Dumber.' I thought it was clever- and tried to draw it. As you can see our chin-fuerte friend voices my thoughts.
I tried drawing myself in a hoodie- it looks like I have to take a piss. The skull-thing was supposed to be Killface from Adult Swim's 'Frisky Dingo.'
Now why don't I use my Deviant Art account to post things? Because I'm talking to myself here. I'd rather not have anyone looking at this but I'd like a place to put it so I can readily check my progression. Or something to that effect.
I will start posting with this Project 100 thing. The goal is to draw this list of 100 things. I'm thinking by the end of this year. So I had better get to work. Maybe I'll even try to color it...
Sunday, February 4, 2007
2008-02-03 photoshop

Monday, January 29, 2007

I tried to draw something more serious. I don't like the way it turned out honestly but you have to start somewhere right?
Left to right: Steve the Vortigaunt - doodle from the Half Life games and sort of a character in a future project, rock star - I admit I was thinking about Metalocalypse, Sanchez - character in a future project, robot - I was thinking about 'Lost in Space,' an unfinished robot - angular robots like Optimus Prime are harder to draw than I thought.
And thats it for now- I've got more stuff to scan and I'll get to it later.
Monday, January 22, 2007
2008-01-21 Sad sad cthulu
Cthulu, if you have no idea who or what he is you should look it up on wikipedia. Short version: HP Lovecraft, a 1920's gothic horror writer, created this great old evil and he, it, is generally depicted as a squid-headed monster. I like to imagine him looking more like Zoidburg from Futurama but that is just me.
Speaking of Futurama: the Brain Spawn title over Cthulu's head is from an episode of Futurama about these floating brains that- try to take over the world? I don't remember.
The title above Cthulu referes to the World of Warcraft guild that I was/still am a part of: The Brain Spawn. I do not play right now but if you do- these guys rock.
Now why is Cthulu sad? The forums I linked to above mentioned something about the Brain Spawn's god and referenced a picture of some monster from the game. In response I drew this saying that made Cthulu sad and jealous as the Brain Spawn's theme is somewhat Cthulian (the crest/tabard design is an insidious looking squid, which looks Cthulian... or something like that).
On another note I colored it in Microsoft Paint and it really shows. I have Adobe Photoshop but I am at a loss as to how to use it.
Friday, January 19, 2007
2008-01-18 I'm cheap - first submission

In high school, out of pointless rebellion and boredom, I drew (in pencil) on my desk. Naturally I did this after a particularly amiable, but entirely too smoky, teacher told us not to on the first day of class. At first my doodles were fairly harmless. I usually doodled swords, maybe nebulous shapes or designs, or perhaps even a formless figure yet generally they were just mindless movements of my left hand over paper (left-handed, yes).
One day I drew a half-circle, no. Well, I drew a rectangle on its long side, then I tried to make it look 3-d, then I drew the half-circle into it. I left it there and went to my next class. The next day, however, someone had drawn someone skateboarding on my half-circle-rectangle as if it was a half pipe! I looked at it in awe- someone had added to my graffiti! I started to draw, not doodle this time, but my hand moved with purpose. Gone was my attention to early American history and my smoky teacher- what mattered now was drawing on my desk.
I drew a dragon. Just standing there looking off to the side with its mouth open. Then I added the next critical step- I signed my work: "The Desk Artist." Never before had I ever been so proud of a doodle. I started doing it in every class. Every assigned seat that I had to sit in, I even tried to draw on the gym's stadium seats, and with every drawing I signed: "The Desk Artist."
My dragon was, again, added to by my mysterious friend. This time the dragon was spewing flames into the shield of a knight, who brandished a sword and full plate armor. It was brilliant- until I got caught and severed detention cleaning desks for that teacher. Oh well. I didn't stop me from drawing in other classes with teachers that did not honestly care. I finally met my mysterious accomplice while taking one of those standardized government tests... the I- I-something-or-rather, ITBS test? I can't remember. Either way I finished early, looked over the answers, and realized I had a good 20 minutes left of sitting there- naturally I started to draw on the desk and, of course, signed my work. As we left a fellow student stopped me: "So you're the guy!"
My friend was a much more accomplished artist than I was and was also in the same history class I was in, in the same seat, but in the period after me. This entire experience opened me up to wanting to draw.
So, naturally, I didn't do anything for about 10 years or so. Now here I am- perusing a completely unrelated degree to art of any sort. I found that I really liked comics- loved them. I tried buying comics regularly but that started to get expensive. Then I found online comics- lots of them, some that were several years old. I would go back to the first comic and read it from the beginning. I read about 40 webcomics and the list expands every time I find something new that I like to read. What is this journal about? Doodling, drawing, sketching, storyboarding, whatever- a gallimaufry, a smorgasbord, a plethora of unrelated creativity merely for the sake of doing it.
Right now I am a pretty sub-par artist. You have to roll around and spit up on yourself before you learn how to support your own head, roll over, crawl, sit up, waddle, walk, and then run yeah?
My goal: (amorphous as it is) improve my ability to draw.
- Start out simple: once a week doodle dumps.
- Start only with pencil doodles.
- Develop a personal style.
- Learn how to ink.
- Learn how to color with Photoshop (this is a ways in the future)
- Develop an online comic
Why: I'm doing this for myself, if other people like it rockers, if no one does- I don't care.
Let’s rocks this!