Friday, January 19, 2007

2008-01-18 I'm cheap - first submission

Let's face it, I'm not devoting a lot of time to this because it is a hobby and I'm really not putting a lot of money into this either.

This is why I use this kind of paper:

This is a cover page. At my university when you print something the printer program spits out one of these before you get the papers you printed out. This is to keep things organized and waste a great deal of paper. Naturally, being an American University, they do not recycle so these cover pages get thrown into a pile and then thrown away. I realized that the back is blank so I have an unlimited supply of scratch paper (at least until I graduate).

The name is part of someone's last name with some random numbers by it. "bende975" did not need extra scratch paper so now its mine to use how I please!

My first submission is a doodle. One of my classes was particularly dull so I doodled.

Robots? I was looking at Super Nintendo Emulators and thinking about a game that has thwarted me for a long time now: Metal Warriors. Metal Warriors was a side-scrolling game pitting you: Captain Stone of some organization against the Axis forces (Axis, honestly?). The point of it was that you got to run around in these mechs. The coolest part was that there were different kinds of mechs that you could use. My favorite was the Havoc suit- which is what I was thinking about when I was doodling in class.

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