
Remember Invader Zim? The original picture is from the introduction of the show. It is something of a schematic of GIR. I was merely playing with photoshop to make this. As an afterthought I added GIR in the dog suit in the bottom right.

My roommate puts this the best: "Galactic Civilizations 2 is the devil. Screw you for letting me play it you bastard!" Poor guy was up until 5 AM one night playing. Galactic Civ is fun for me because you can make your own custom races, their powers, how they act, etc. etc. So my race was called the Pseudocians. This was fun putting together: the pirate guy in the foreground is actually a screenshot of a 'City of Heroes' character (seriously the best character creator even- you can make practically anything), the midground is actually some random picture which was once a shadowy figure (still there) looking through some windows into space, the background was made- poorly by erasing everything in the windows and then replacing it with an image from Eve Online.
Throw it all together and you have the Pseudocian's picture. Ah photoshop is awesome fun.

What'll it make? I had the idea of taking the dwarf and adding elements of Jake from 'Advance Wars: Dual Strike.' The dwarf will have the same grumpy expression, but his left hand will be holding the head phones to one ear and his right hand will be on a turn table.
Now I plan to draw this out and actually did- it turned out amusing enough but I'm going to work on it some more. I thought of naming him MC Slayer (or something to that effect, but not Hammer) and using him as an avatar for the libram warhammer forums. Yes, I am that sort of nerd.
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