Saturday, March 3, 2007

Calender what?

I just realized everything I've put up prior to this says '2008.' I really don't know why- funny to think about now but it makes me wonder exactly what I was thinking.

Masked Character - I like the bandana + hoodie look. I'll have to ink this and maybe develop the character to improve my consistence... amoung other things.

The more meatier-chinned fellow was something I saw from Balack01's Deviant Art site. He made a little film with this guy hitting on some lady in a bar using some audio from 'Dumb and Dumber.' I thought it was clever- and tried to draw it. As you can see our chin-fuerte friend voices my thoughts.

I tried drawing myself in a hoodie- it looks like I have to take a piss. The skull-thing was supposed to be Killface from Adult Swim's 'Frisky Dingo.'

Now why don't I use my Deviant Art account to post things? Because I'm talking to myself here. I'd rather not have anyone looking at this but I'd like a place to put it so I can readily check my progression. Or something to that effect.

I will start posting with this Project 100 thing. The goal is to draw this list of 100 things. I'm thinking by the end of this year. So I had better get to work. Maybe I'll even try to color it...

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